• 023 347 2646
  • agrimek@orchardagri.co.za

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The one-sided Fischer SL3 is perfect for younger plantations with low-hanging fruit. A great selling point is the hydraulic side-shift feature. The Fischer SL3 comes with a choice of swivel-arm or the Twister attachment with hydraulic fine-sensor technology. The hydraulic fine-sensor technology provides greater control and allows for the swivel-arm disc to mow around tree trunks without damaging them. The mower will provide a seamless cut from inter-row to undertree or vine.

Product CatalogueUser Guides

Technical data:

  • Working width: 230-280cm
  • Number of rotors: 3+1
  • Number of blades: 8
  • Tractor Hp: 40 - 80
  • Weight: 420Kg
  • Side-shift capacity: N95/135Ex00/230+60

Talk to Us

Please contact us via email or the form below, and a member of the Orchard Agrimek team will promptly respond. For urgent concerns, reach out to our Sales & Marketing Manager, Bertus Scheepers, at 079 508 8540 or bertus@orchardagri.co.za.

Phone: +27 (0)23 347 2646

Cell: +27 (0)79 508 8540

Email: agrimek@orchardagri.co.za

Physical Address:
5-7 Field Street
Western Cape
South Africa



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